The highway clean-up this weekend has been canceled due to ODOT furloughs. We are looking to re-schedule sometime next month. Stay Tuned!
Join the Newport Chapter of Surfrider Foundation and Oregon Hang Gliders Association as they help keep Hwy 101 litter and debris from reaching our beloved beaches. A few volunteers can make a big difference in a short amount of time, we welcome all age participants and this is a great community service hours opportunity for students.
OHGA/Surfrider Newport Highway Cleanup: Moolack Beach
When: Saturday May 25, 2013, 10am-1pm
Where: Meet at Moolack Beach parking lot (2 miles north of Newport on west side of highway 101).
Contact: Peter Snell -
Wear sturdy shoes and bring work gloves if you have them, we'll supply everything you need, including caffeine - Panini's sponsored coffee and cocoa for all volunteers!