This was a clean up on the North and South sides on the Salishan Spit. 7 Volunteers worked both the North and South sides of the Spit for 4 hours. About 300 lbs of debris were removed from the volunteers into a Park Rangers truck and trailer that day. The debris mostly comprised of wood and Styrofoam from river dock docks and some general debris. A 8ft x 20ft section of a river dock was found and determined to be too large to be removed by manual means. So, a salvage crew with a backhoe and dump truck was called and removed the estimated 2000 lbs of dock section that morning during the clean up. On the South more remote side of the Spit, volunteers located and moved to above the tide lines and in piles as much as possible more river dock debris, a tire with rim, a water heater, and general debris totaling another estimated 2000 lbs. Later in the week park rangers with ATV's removed the debris for the remote South Spit.