
Vote YES on 21-150!

Written by Charlie Plybon | May 10, 2013 12:47:22 AM

Ballots are out, the choice is yours...we need your YES vote on Measure 21-150 to finally BAN PLASTIC BAGS in NEWPORT! It's been a long road for the plastic bag campaign in Newport. The Newport Chapter alongside of other groups has worked tirelessly on this issue for over 4 years with lots of ups and downs along the way. Thousands of individuals have signed on to the local petition, hundreds more have testified at City Council meetings, dozens of businesses have signed on in support, but we need everyone to VOTE to make it across the finish line on this campaign. Want to help the campaign out even more? You can volunteer to canvas by contacting or donate to help us build our outreach! And remember to Vote Yes on 21-150, tell your friends and neighbors, help us get out the vote!