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GP License Agreement Hearing Monday June 1st

City Council Meeting to start at 6:00pm, hearing to start at 7 pm. Come out and support efforts once again to get some peace of mind ocean monitoring for the Georgia Pacific outfall. After 6 months of hearings and testimony, the Mayor and City Council appointed a task force of stakeholders and representatives to work on the license agreement in good faith and in consideration of all the public testimony and information received through the hearings. The task force met every other week from February through May to wrestle through the concerns of all parties and make a recommendation to council. All minutes and agendas can be found on the city's website under "Latest News" column on the left side of the page . The taks force is delivering two important recommendations:
1) License agreement and language therein
2) A monitoring framework to address public concerns with environment, health and economy. These documents can be viewed at the above link to the city's website.