Thank you to everyone who submitted photos to our email asking about your special places. In case you missed it, we asked people to send in pictures of the places that are helping them get through the current pandemic situation. If you still want to share your special places, feel free to send in your pictures (to and we'll add them.
Stan Zitnik shared this secret spot.

Tom at Ocean Pulse surf shop gets to work in the shaping bay when it's rainy.

Lisa Field shared this beach sunset.

Kathy and John Allen shared two pictures and the following note:
"I am lucky I live on the Alsea because I see beautiful sunsets and wildlife. I think the wildlife must be happy there is less encroachment from humans. I would imagine the state parks are healing as well.
"I do miss having my favorite parking lot at Governor Patterson to walk the beach but understand we had to tell people there was nothing to do here so stay at home.
"We check on our neighbors via phone and only go get groceries when needed about every two weeks. Our neighborhood is very quiet as everyone is taking this seriously. In our Ray's market everyone stays well away from each other.
"I am also lucky we retired here and don't have to worry about working from home."

Margaret Meyers shared this sunset.

Rane (our membership coordinator), Greg, and Bode are currently living the van life, and shared these pictures.

Lastly, Joie (our secretary) didn't share a picture, but said she's hard at work making masks to share. She's also walking the dogs to help keep them, and herself, sane.
Thank you all for sharing!
Check out the full resolution images, and more Surfrider pics, on our Flickr page.